Expertise, Empathy and Confidentiality
Family offices are as unique as the individuals and families they serve. We understand that world.
We provide our clients with a supportive and collaborative environment to help them problem solve through life’s challenges.
There is no other firm that offers our level of expertise and understanding.
Areas of Expertise
- Counseling for management and employees
- Best practices
- Culture development
- Compensation and benefits
- Problem solving sensitive issues
- Hiring trusted staff
- Advisory support
- Identifying the problem
- Team building
- Conflict resolution
Client Projects We Have Recently Resolved
“Our family office is small and seems to be having a morale problem. Everyone is so sad and gloomy every time we visit. Could we talk about ways to change this?”
“I would like to evaluate the pros and cons of outsourcing multiple service providers for our families. When would be the best day for us to connect?”
“We spoke about a year ago on how annual performance and compensation reviews support long term hires for family office staff. We need to do this asap.”
“What is your thought on staff dating each other? Should we have a policy?”
” I am the only person employed by the family in their family office, and need assistance with a wide range of projects. What is your suggestion on how to approach the family with a request for additional support staff?”
” We had a situation and I’m not sure what to do next. We had someone file a tax return for one of our principles. Apparently they had the information needed to file, date of birth and social security. They received a large tax refund check from the IRS and then tried to open a bank account to make a deposit. The only way it was discovered was the bank contacted our office to verify. Could we talk today?”
“My frustration level is through the roof. We are spending too much time fixing a poor hire, either we are selecting the right employee for the wrong job or the wrong employee for the job required, whichever it is we are failing miserably and need your guidance.”
” As the CFO of a family office there are on-going communication issues with our 3rd generation family members. I am not sure if it is us or them. I would love to hear your thoughts on how we can fix this.”
” How can I tell the principle that he has unrealistic expectations of compensation for staff? We have hired and terminated four highly successful personal assistants in 10 months based on his “ideal” employee. How can I get him to understand the compensation we are offering is too low for the job requirements, could you speak with him?”
“The family has asked a client service manager to accompany them on a trip. The employee does not want to leave their family, and travel was not apart of their hire agreement. I am concerned the family will be greatly offended if the employee refuses. Do you have any thoughts on how we can handle the situation?”
Testimonials are direct quotes from our clients, however their likeness and names are confidential
Testimonials are direct quotes from our clients, however their likeness and names are confidential